If you are a doctor or a nurse, I think this is not a new topic for you. Maybe If you are ever admitted to a hospital sometimes you might hear about this. So What is really mean by Code blue in the hospital? Here is the best answer for you.
What are the codes in the hospital?
Normally all the hospitals even it is a government or a private hospital they use codes to get alert and attention to an emergency or other events. Those codes must be helpful to them for communicated through an intercom with their hospital staff well. As well as theses hospital codes allow them to teach hospital personnel to respond appropriately, correctly, and quickly to various events and emergency cases.
So Codes in hospitals might be used to prevent concern by hospital staff including nurses, doctors, and hospital visitors who come to visit their patients. But remember that each hospital code uses to inform about specific emergency situations in hospitals.
What are the common hospital codes?
Mainly there are some common hospital codes including Code Blue, Code Red, and Code Black. Additionally, they use Code Pink, Code Orange, Code Silver, Code Violet, Code Yellow, Code Brown, Code White, and Code Green. So with this Code standardization provide consistent responses across all hospitals in the US.
Normally code blue use to inform a medical emergency like Cardiac or respiratory arrest. And, Code Black use to inform about there is a bomb threat to the facility and Hospital Code Red typically use to inform a fire or smoke in the hospital.
Benefits of using Hospital codes
These hospital codes are very important to manage the safety of a hospital, and it will be more helpful for both the staff of a hospital and people who are inside a hospital. So Codes in hospitals extremely valuable for face to emergency situations and they allow them to respond quickly and effectively.
Mainly a hospital has a huge staff including Doctors, nurses, and employees. So they all have to get undergo extensive training to respond to each of these emergency cases for allowing them to save the lives of their and people inside in a hospital. As a primary benefit of this communication, trained hospital employees know about how to respond to any given emergency without alarming hospital visitors.
Using Codes in hospitals must be helpful for you to intend to convey essential information correctly and quickly with a minimum of misunderstanding to the staff. Not only that these hospital codes can prevent panic among the visitors of the hospital.
Not only that these hospital codes tell hospital employees who need to attend to various kinds of emergency cases and otherwise what they should ready for those situations.
What is Code Blue in the hospital?
Code blue. Yes. This is the most universally recognized emergency code. Code Blue in the hospital means a medical emergency occurring in the hospital. I think you probably know about this hospital Code Blue. What is the hospital Code blue? Yes. Many hospitals have this type of Code Blue team in their hospital. The team of Code Blue will respond to this blue code within a few minutes.
If the life of the person in immediate danger, hospital Code Blue will help you to get ready for emergency cases quickly and effectively. Normally hospital code blue activates by pushing an emergency alert button or dialing a specific phone number.
Hospital Code Blue is generally used to in need of immediate medical attention or indicate a patient requiring resuscitation. Mainly this Code blue is used to inform about respiratory or cardiac arrest. Many hospitals use always set a code blue team for urgent medical emergency situations. Practically you can understand that any medical officer or a nurse can respond to this code. But it’s more important to have a training hospital blue code team with advanced cardiac life support or other equivalent resuscitation training.
Normally all the hospitals in the world have cardiac arrest as a common emergency. So hospital blue code can reduce preventable in-hospital deaths. Therefore we can introduce hospital code blue as a special code that informs about someone is experiencing a life-threatening urgent medical emergency like when the heart or breathing stops.
Who are the main persons that comprised of hospital code blue?
Hospital code blue comprised of some members who are in the hospital staff. If you are a nurse I’m sure hospital code blue is an unforgettable experience in your career as a nurse. Mainly there are,
- doctors
- nurses
- physician- serves as the code team leader
- a respiratory therapist
What are the common reasons that cause activating Hospital code blue?
- when a patient gets cardiac arrests like a heart attack or a dangerous arrhythmia
- when a respiratory arrest like someone stops breathing
- When a patient shows signs of a stroke
- When someone becomes confused, not alert
- When a sudden and severe drop in blood pressure
What is the main role of responders of the hospital code blue?
Mainly there are responders who react in an emergency situation in a hospital. Hospital code blue has various kinds of tasks of the first responders to the code based.
The role of the first responder in the hospital code blue
In code blue, the first responder must have the responsibility to inform for help. He or she can call for help. He can get sure the patient flat on the bed. Then drop the patient’s head of the bed by removing the pillow from the bed. And, check for a pulse with a carotid pulse. After that, the first responder of the hospital code blue can start compression.
The role of the second responder in the hospital code blue
He or she must have to bring the e- cart and other emergency equipment. The secure the backboard under the patient. Then the second responder should have to manage the patient’s airway by using an airbag or pocket mask. But remember that for this management they must need only a one-way valve. As well as the first responder can give his role of chest compressions to the second responder of the hospital code blue.
The role of the third responder in the hospital code blue
The third responder of the hospital code blue should have to turn on the AED/ defibrillator. Then he or she can use it for the pulseless patient.
The role of the fourth responder in the hospital code blue
He or she can ensure IV fluids. After that, they can ready emergency medications for the team of a code blue.
The role of the fifth responder in the hospital code blue
The fifth responder should have to in-charge of documentation.
What you can do’s as a member of a hospital code blue?
1. Get involved in the emergency situation
If you are a nurse, I’m hospital code blue can gain valuable experience for your career. So you should have to involved in an ongoing code blue and it will be a rare opportunity to get a new experience to your life also.
2. You can participate in mock codes
Normally new nurses can get instructions about this hospital code blue. As well as hospitals also guide them about mock codes and they can get an idea of the hospital’s policies during the code blue concept. So you can get knowledge about what do’s and don’ts with hospital code blue with these mock codes.
3. communication with the team afterward
When do you participate in the hospital code blue as your first time, you can talk with the code blue team members. You can get an idea about the things that you did well and what are the other improvements that you must get into your hospital code blue team. By using this method you can improve your knowledge and skills correctly and effectively.
What you can don’ts as a member of a hospital code blue?
1. Don’t leave the scene right away
If you are the patient’s charge nurse, and if your patient faces the emergency case, remember that never leaving the blue code right away. Once the hospital code blue arrived you must stay in that place. Because you know about your patient well and the hospital code blue might get easy if you stay there. They can get more information about the patient from you. So don’t leave the scene right away.
2. Don’t switch your role without communication
This is one of the important things that you have to know as a member of a hospital code blue. If you want to switch your role of the hospital code blue, first of all, you should have to communicate with other blue code team members clearly. Don’t switch your role until ensuring someone from your blue code team will take place of your role.
3. Don’t get shouting
If you are a member of the hospital code blue remember that you should have to communicate with others clearly. So you must be calm in an emergency situation. don’t shout. You can speak calmly to get attention on all tasks of the hospital code blue.
So according to the above facts, you can understand how valuable hospital code blue for an emergency situation in a hospital.