Best Tools And Technology For Back-End Development

Best Tools and Technology for Back-end Development

In the enterprise solution industry, what works at the back-end remains a mystery for all those users who just land, use and move out. But, for those who understand the significance of operational smoothness, and those who depend on the application/website, they never underestimate the back-end tools and technologies and always keep the best expertise in-house for its development.

Operational smoothness is not just a single attribute born out of back-end development, but there are a bunch of functional attributes like quick server response, smarter database management, and overall website performance. All these are nothing but the results of back-end efforts.

Here, in this blog, we are going to summarize some of the effective tools and technologies that belong to back-end development that a product engineering company must possess to endeavor enterprise solutions at its best.

An enterprise software development company shall have these tools and technologies for back-end development. And as a part of professional IT services, they are categorically divided into segments as per their genre and requirements as explained below:


a. RUBY/RAILS- ‘Ruby’ is a back-end language in which the ‘Rails’ framework is made available. “A framework is nothing but a library that includes pre-written sets of codes so that a coder does not require to write code from the scratch stage.” It is colloquially known as Ruby on Rails, and is famous for its time efficient response especially. To date, it is recognized as a constructor of some renowned successful global ventures like SHOPIFY, AIRBNB, and many others, and still has its following over the decades with some big players of the enterprise industry.

b. PYTHON- A language known for its easy to learn quality, and as a successful player of back-end development. It has become more popular with every passing year since it was introduced. A language that is for every generation and each group of programmers, be it then beginners or experienced ones, which is the reason why it still has its fan-base keep growing day-to-day.

It has its unique ability to express via easily comprehensible code which is not only easy to understand but to write as well. Usually for any other language, it is required to hire dedicated developers however, in the case of Python it is interpreted that even a corporate person could manage to write a code with a little acquaintance in this language.

It also has certain frameworks named as Pyramid & Django.

Best Tools and Technology for Back-end Development


a. APACHE- An open-source server at which more than half of the internet users rely upon for their websites to respond through. “A server usually is either a software or a hardware that stores, keeps the data, and delivers back to the user whenever asked to do so”.

Apache’s compatibility with IPv6 and loadable dynamic modules made it a choice of millions of the users. Moreover, its free to download mode makes it a readily available choice for anyone. However, commercial support requires a purchase.

b. NGINX- When it is about ‘what else if not Apache?’, then it usually goes for NGINX. Reason being its capability to handle rigorous and frequent changes in load. It is recognized for handling a massive number of clients at a time with efficient response at minimal resource utilization.


a. IBMDb2- If you are planning to initiate with an AI-empowered product, this family of IBM renders a full-fledged AI-compatible design which is required to handle the data both in private as well as in public ambiance.

This is a patent database system of IBM that supports object-relational features as well as non-relational structures. The community edition is free to utilize however, the redistribute edition is limited to certain numbers of systems at a time.

b. SAP HANA- A database management system which is considered as the most compatible with other databases. SAP HANA is renowned more amongst the enterprise industry players because of its services that reduce the burden of managing the data.

SAP-HANA is the one, which had to go through with some challenges and even with a fall down at a point of time because of front-end developers and their lack of understanding with it. However, it has re-bounced and re-gained its identity with ERP solutions it served meanwhile. Bigger enterprise software development companies usually adopt SAP because of its versatility and flexibility and its popularity amongst the enterprise players like TOYOTA.

c. MySQL- A player that is playing at its best and is having the golden era of its all time. An open-source database system, free to use, with almost every feature you expect including safety, reliability, flexibility, compatibility, with just an exception, that it is not a good to go with larger database size. Usually, enterprise software development companies choose Oracle over MySQL as Oracle provides some additional features that MySQL doesn’t. On the contrary, MySQL wins the race with its on-site and phone support that Oracle doesn’t arrange for its user.

Best Tools and Technology for Back-end Development


a. STACKOVERFLOW- A community-based system that helps in developing the most critical things without much of a hustle as at least one of the community pupils must have the key to your findings.

It is one of the largest development learning websites in which more than half a hundred million developers welcome themselves to learn the same.

b. KAGGLE- A community filled with beginners as well as renowned researchers. A platform to assist machine learning aspirants and the code in it is accessible in both R and Python languages.

A product engineering company that happens to serve products based on AI or ML must have dealt with this community-based platform once. Even on an individual basis, to enter the machine learning community, and work around today’s trending data science and technology, Kaggle is a home filled with utmost relevant knowledge.

c. HASHNODE– An article-based community that welcomes written content about the latest technologies and tools that are relevant to enterprise solutions as well as IT consultation services. It has numerous developers with peculiar queries and solutions simultaneously with no such limitations over the discussion.

A hub that is dedicated to grow and build careers in the development sector, HASHNODE brings the best of possible knowledge in a single platform at once.

With these back-end supporting tools and technologies, an enterprise software development company manages anyhow to develop efficient enterprise applications and websites. On the same end, the front-end development, which usually flee with the credits showered by the generic users are nothing much but equally important as the back-end development.

For users who couldn’t actually see the worth of back-end tools and technologies, this blog is for them to realise how big the back-end world is and how many ventures already are running to assist the back-end of all the on-market ventures.

Best Tools and Technology for Back-end Development

Author’s Bio:

Scarlett is a technical content writer and is associated with A3logics for over a couple of years. She has a keen interest in enterprise mobility services and is often found struggling with some unique topics for her upcoming projects. She is often found discussing the latest developments with the technical team. When not working on any of her writing projects, she is either reading any of the Agatha Christie mysteries or busy gardening.