Adjusting can be tough during this global pandemic. You finally have a legit excuse to avoid people but that means you have to avoid those you like as well. But someone seems to have taken social distancing to heart and has taken extraordinary precautions to avoid people.
On Wednesday, July 22nd , Dai Barrow and his friends witnessed one of the most extraordinary socially distanced picnics of all time. When they met in a park at Bath, they saw a man on the top of a 60 ft tree, leaning on a thin branch and reclining with not a care in the world.
Dai was stupefied on how the man managed to get on top of a tree that was so gigantic. He shared his video on Facebook saying it was social distancing at its best and I think no one can disagree with that. Dai says that the man was even enjoying his picnic and the view with his binoculars.
Days after the sighting, Dai said to Somerset Live that the mystery man was alone as there was no one waiting for him down and they had no idea how he had gotten up there and no idea how he came down as they were long gone before the tree picnicker came down.
There had been no way to identify this extraordinary social distancing enthusiast as the picture was grainy but we can bet that the man also had a mask on given how keen he is on avoiding people and the pandemic.